集成式一体化提升泵站应用领域:1、市政给水/排水;2、建筑给水/排水;3、铁路、公路、下立交排水;4、湖水、水源地取水;5、雨洪应急排水;6、城市污水、雨水进步;7、新农村制作、景区雨水/污水收集进步;集成式一体化提升泵站是怎样实现无人值守?1、液位采用静压传感器和浮球实现双重保护;2、控制柜(箱)自动加热、除湿;3、辅助照明;4、智能化控制无需专人值守;5、远程控制,运行情况掌控及时;6、户外设计,控制系统可集成在泵站顶部,也可以就近安装;7、控制系统可接入业主现有平台,智能一体化预制泵站,无需改造。集成式一体化提升泵站是替代传统排水泵站的理想解决方案,雨水预制泵站,是集成式一体化泵站。该泵站的筒体采用加厚型机械缠绕GRP玻璃钢材质制成的。内部的水泵、管路、阀门、仪表、控制设备以及其它用户所需要的附件成套提供,并安装测试完毕后出厂。泵站内部管路大致可划分为进水管路、出水管路、水泵管路支架及汇总管路; 次数用完API KEY 超过次数限制
Rainwater interception in rainy days
At the beginning the river drainage valve is closed when the rainwater flows into the intercepting well. Later when the liquid is on the on-pump level, the pump will begin to work to hoist the high pollution concentration rainwater in well to sewage conduit.
后期雨水入河period rainwater flowing into river
As it keeps raining, the liquid level in the interception well is higher and higher. once the raining time exceeds the setting, the high concentration polluted wastewater will be diluted by more and more rain, then the sewage drainage valve (sewage drainage pump) will be closed and the river drainage valve will be open to lead the rainwater flow into the river.
Core Advantages
1. 主动截污,预制泵站,不同于被动截污。itive and passive intercepti are different
2. 晴天无溢流,雨天无倒灌,减少溢流污染。No overflow in fine days and no reverse irrigation in rainy days, minimize pollution caused by overflow
3. 实现一体自动化控制。Fully realize automatic accurate control
4. 动力提升与重力排水相结合,减少能耗。Perfect combination of motive hoisting and gravity draining saves energy the most.
预制泵站-鹤见泵业企业-污水预制泵站由上海鹤见泵业有限公司提供。上海鹤见泵业有限公司(www.tsurumistation.com)是广东 广州 ,污水泵、杂质泵的企业,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、创新发展、诚实守信的方针,满足客户需求。在鹤见泵业领导携全体员工热情欢迎各界人士垂询洽谈,共创鹤见泵业更加美好的未来。